Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hindu militant Group

I f you get in to flash back, there were few communities and groups on Orkut which were working for the pride of this nation.(HMG was also one of them), Hindu militant Group made its mark, then showing the concern for country. A group of Pakistani hackers use to abuse innocent girls of our country, by posting their morphed nude pictures along with the pictures of their family members and also their personal details. Initially the group HMG tried convincing Pakistani Hackers about stop targeting blameless girls. However HMG failed to convince them (Hoodlum Don/ Hoody is the founder of HMG). During that time, the users were not that regular on Orkut or any other social networking sites. Hindu Militant Group, Had India not been a vibrant democracy and where Hinduism an intolerant faith, we would have witnessed many violent and perverted responses in cyber space. The owner of HMG gave offer to Gaurav to join their group and to witness the happenings going around. This is how Gaurav, one of the founder member of ICW started forming a team with the brilliant hackers to deface Pakistani sites. There were many brilliant hackers like Sameer, Godvin, Bond, witu (wireless punter) the integral part of ICW. Not only these boys but the girls also gave best ot contribution to this group.

See the twist here these people were at that time trying to convey their disagreement over insulting Hindu woman and god. But in other hand HMG group’s one of the female member provided photographs of the female group members to Pakistani hacker and they were misused. This hacker babe is still there on our Face Book community and very well from my own Native place Hyderabad. Sad but crood, most of the time woman is woman’s enemy. Now also she enjoys displays and making mockery of each profile with utmost abusive language. She loves when girls are abused on her wall, its sick physic.

The other hand there is girls like ‘EG’, my team girls are her diehard fans. She shows those guys their place who tries messing with her, very much dedicated to country, aggressive yet loving and full of compassion. I salute this girl and value her attitude. I feel proud of HMG when I look at girls like her, but also feel sorry for one thing, they could control over other country but couldn’t clean their own carpet. If you go to face-book walls, it has become place of war, false ego and random abuses, vulgar language, perversion and mean approach. To stand by one girl as supporter , all guys collectively hit other girl with most innovative slangs. Irony!

The other day Andhra Hacker displayed my blog screen short on his wall,( probelby it was tagged by some one) but read comments if not removed.. I mean..I really failed to understand what they were trying to convey? It’s there on blog, why need display? Ok you displayed, showed your concern for whom so ever, what have you achieved? nothing much See the double standards. AH guys they abuse like some body has given them right, Why? What have we done to you?
Please leave us or hold us, don’t make us punching bag. We have lots of work and growing. My 90% of the staff is between the age group of 19 to 27. We slogged day night for our company reach to the heights, without any financer or politician or business group. Believe me 63 hackers are earning their living from my company NBC. And today we have appointed some more hackers in our security company Kaizan. They are happy with us.

We are not here to damage, it’s a bogey, the team of guilty hackers has been trying to nurture for some months now. But they had failed to make headway in the absence of any supporting evidence. Hackers love bogeys. First they are created; then promoted; and finally bashed. In the last week one such bogey was discovered. With the vocal assistance of a section of the groups, it was assiduously promoted. The hype got further fillip. And almost immediately the bashing began. This line of thought was first propagated when some of the Hackers miserably failed in their malicious intensions.

Before we examine the ramifications of this allegation, it is important to understand the motivation that guides the disproportionate attention paid to two crude rumors. Nobody in their right minds has ever suggested that every Hacker is Criminal, real or potential. They unsuccessfully tried to hunt with the hound and run with the hare, but stopped short of endorsing the repugnant demand for revoking the ban on people like us. Any ways the Question remains here is..Who is that girl (who provided pictures to Pakistan Hacker’s?) answer is in your friends list, if you still can’t make out then wait for my book ‘Cat techie” to be launched.

Everyone has right of expression, abusing is violation of that fundamental right.. Do not ever abuse the rights given to you by independent India.

Anything for India? Is it?

1 comment:

  1. we did our best to support and fight for the cause, we kicked out the enemies from there hideouts and we gonna do the same again.


